Thursday, 25 March 2010

Started Growing

At long last I have started some real growing, sown quite a few seeds in the greenhouse this week as well as tidying up the plot ready for Spring to really kick in, also put my first early potatos in as well this week.

First seeds sown for 2010

Straightening up the plot

Map of Inham Nook Allotments (Plot 71 nr bottom right corner)

The kids will be on the plot over the next couple of weeks sowing seeds and planting their beds up, will blog on their little parcels of land too :)

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Done with digging!

All areas have now been dug :) it's took a couple of afternoons a week for 16 weeks but we are finaly there, and in time for spring too, still lots of jobs to do of course but at least now I can look forward to getting some planting done.

Friday, 5 March 2010

Big beds done!

At last, the fourth and final main bed is done, just got the kids patched to sort now, before tidying all the edges up and getting some planting done.

Fourth bed done at last! (notice my little helper digging his own plot)

As well as blagging some slabs the other day for the plot I have been fortunate enough to find someone who wants rid of a load of bricks, things are starting to come together on Plot 71.

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Weather looking up?

Well it's been long overdue but are we starting to see the first signs of spring? A stunning day today, almost wall to wall sunshine, took advantage and spent the best part of the day on the plot, got half of the last bed dug over and some downpipes on the greenhouse guttering.

Last main bed 1/2 way there