Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Greenhouse Up

Took about six hours in total to get the greenhouse up, just need to get some gravel for half the floor space and get the staging erected.

Base in and level

Roof going in

Frame completed

All the glass is in now, can get planning for early greenhouse sowings now :) I shall prepare a seed bed adjacent to the greenhouse.

Friday, 11 December 2009

First Allotment Bonfire

Got some rubbish burnt today as well as digging over about 1/3 of another large bed. Followed the site rules and checked Mick's flag was blowing towards the reck (away from the houses) and got the fire lit, I knew it would be smokey as everything is so wet at the moment.

1st Bonfire on plot 71

Almost 1/2 way there I reckon!

Tuesday, 8 December 2009


Finally got all my mashing gear down to the 'lot' only to find out that I have ran out of gas for the stove >:( , after a luke warm cup of what was supposed to be tea I cleared and levelled the site for my newly acquired greenhouse.

Not very clear on this picture but the greenhouse will be sited to the right of the shot in front of the heap of brambles, this is next to the compost heap and near the tap adjacent to my plot.

I was also pleasantly pleased to find out that the association that runs our site have very kindly installed a boot washer next to my plot.....

Wellie washer

Monday, 7 December 2009

Timber !!!

Not on the allotment this time but a gardening task was undertaken at my sisters yesterday, just a little job.....

Took 3 of us about 2 hours to get the thing down then about another 2 hours to tidy up afterwards, better than paying the £100 the gypo's wanted to hack it down.

Saturday, 5 December 2009

Greenhouse en route

Last night I won a greenhouse, yes a random thing to win I know but completely useful :) Now I have to decide where to put the thing and arrange collection. Looking forward to early spring now and getting some crops of to head start under glass :)

Friday, 4 December 2009

Another bed down

Finished digging out the herb/flower bed in front of the shed today, only had a light session today, it was my fourth visit this week after all. Three more large beds to plus the rest of the strip at the back to go, then I can start on the shed, a few repairs need doing, guttering putting on the other side and a coat of creosote.

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Progress being made

Managed to get two afternoons in so far this week, got all my fruit canes in place now, gathered quite a few up that were scattered around the plot and a few from home that have been in pots all summer as I had nowhere for them to go.

Soft fruit canes

Shed end of the plot

The smaller bed at the front of the picture above is going to be split between herbs and flowers to be cut and brought and home for cooking/decoration.

View from the end of the plot

Not a lot has changed this end of the plot, the keener eye may notice that an apple tree and a pear tree have gone in, this end of the plot is prone to water logging, I don't know how bad yet, we'll see. This part of the plot will be home to the two trees and a seating area to look back at the plot facing the sun after a hard days graft, and the car park.

They are a friendly bunch up at 'the nook', a few plot holders have been and introduced themselves and commented on how well I'm doing, not sure if they are just trying to keep my enthusiasm up ;)

Hopefully the weather stays kind tomorrow and I can get another few hours in.

Thursday, 26 November 2009

Onions and Garlic In!!!

Got my first bed dug over and some onion sets and Garlic in the ground today. Little bit late I know but it was important to me to at least get something in over winter.

Soils getting a little heavy to turn now so the going will be slow, but I'm determined to get there.

First bed!

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

The work begins

Had 2 or 3 hours on plot 71 today, cleared the grass from the compost heap and dug over 3/4 of a section and straightened a few panels on the shed.

Here we go!

After 13 months on the waiting list I got the call saying "come down to look at a plot" The answer was already yes but off I went last Saturday morning 21st November 2009 to have a look. To my delight plot 71 had a shed and was not too overgrown, well I've seen a lot worse.

I gladly accepted the keys for the gate and was told pay nothing until March next year, have a few months to see if it's for you, rent free.